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This snapshot summary takes a close look at the large surveys conducted by the Commissioner on relationships and sexual health education, periods, sport, work and public transport in relation to responses from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and/or asexual (LGBTQIA+) young people. Nearly 1,500 LGBTQIA+ young people responded to these surveys, representing just under 20% of all respondents.

The high levels of exclusion and discrimination LGBTQIA+ young people continue to experience has prompted the Commissioner to take a closer look at the survey responses they have provided to examine how they are faring when compared to non-LGBTQIA+ young people.

All young people have the right to live their lives free of discrimination and to participate fully in society. For many LGBTQIA+ young people these rights are not being upheld in the settings and spaces they frequent, and this must change.