The Commissioner engages with stakeholders across South Australia, not only to build relationships with those who can make meaningful change to the quality of SA children’s lives, but also to foster interconnections between service providers so that they can enhance outcomes across systems and issues.

Meeting regularly with key stakeholders ensures the Commissioner can also share information that children and young people have told her so that the solutions devised and changes made reflect what they have said they most want and need.

Below are key events Commissioner Connolly attended throughout April to June:

  • 5 April – Reconciliation SA: The launch of Education, action and change schools resource
  • 12 April – Women’s and Children’s Hospital School visit
  • 12 April – Government House Children’s University Lunch
  • 22 April – Day of Democracy – Discussion with teachers about civics and citizenship at Parliament House
  • 24 April – Working Group – People with disability in the justice system
  • 24 April – Round table with the Commissioner for England. Dame Rachel se Souza
  • 24 April – Workshop – Developing a Shared Vision for Inclusive Education
  • 3 May – Swallowcliffe Children’s Precinct Community BBQ
  • 8 May – Suicide Prevention Council – Draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy consultation session
  • 14 May – Adelaide Women’s Prison consultation session
  • 15 May – 2024 ‘Inspiring Australians Student Summit’
  • 16 May – IDAHOBIT movie screening
  • 19 May – Heart and Soul of the Country Art exhibition in Burra – Opening speech
  • 20 May – Future of Education – Discussion
  • 21 May – Marungka Tjalatjunu (Dipped in Black) SA Film Corporation screening
  • 22 May – 2024 South Australian Volunteer Awards
  • 27 May – Reconciliation Week Breakfast event
  • 28 May – Alternatives to Suicide Summit
  • 29 May – 2024 Lowitja O’Donoghue Oration
  • 31 May – 2024 Aboriginal Veterans’ Commemorative Service
  • 31 May – Reconciliation SA leaders event
  • 1 June – Youth Voice ‘Forest of Hope’ event
  • 3 June – UniSA Design Student Project Presentations
  • 5 June – Kindred Australia youth arts event
  • 13 June – Southern Youth Round Table – Guest Speaker
  • 13 June – SAPPA Conference keynote
  • 21 June – Civics & Citizenship Professional Learning presentation

During this time, the Commissioner visited the following schools and centres consulting with students on a range of topics: Bowden Brompton Community School, Brighton Primary, Playford International, Salisbury North R-6 School, St Brigids – Kilburn, Lake Windemere B-6 School, North Adelaide Primary School, Concordia College, Blackwood High, Seaford Rise Primary, Hallett Cove School, Pennington School R-6, Hope Christian College, Darlington Primary School, Salisbury East High School, Riverbanks College, Taparra Primary