Submission to the Select Committee on Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill 2024
This submission outlines some of the minimum amendments that need to be made to get the Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill up to ‘standard’, building upon the Commissioner's previous submissions and recommendations made by both the Commissioner for...
Submission to South Australia’s Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence
The Commissioner commends the Royal Commission for the work they have undertaken to date and their commitment to seeking the views and experiences of children and young people. Designing a system to ‘better meet the needs of those who interact with it’ and to ‘end...
Submission on the draft Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill 2024
The child protection system is still experiencing pressure from several directions for either (a) alienating many families and communities through a response that focuses on forensic investigations and child removal, or (b) a public discourse criticising the system...
Submission on potential reform to South Australia’s knife laws
The reforms outlined in the discussion paper appear to be a rushed response in the wake of a small number of high-profile incidents. As the Discussion Paper acknowledges, South Australia already has ‘tough laws to address knife crime’ (page 2). Rather than pursuing...
Submission on the South Australian Alcohol and Other Drug Strategy 2024-2030
The Commissioner supports the prioritising of actions in the Strategy that will better support children and young people and their families. It is commendable the Strategy includes investing in child and youth-friendly infrastructure and accessible activities to...
Submission on the Department for Correctional Services’ next Women’s Framework and Action Plan
The Commissioner commends the Department for Correctional Services on several recent initiatives that recognise the parenting status of women in South Australia’s prisons, including the Mothers Matter program and infrastructure changes to make visiting spaces more...
Submission on the proposed alternative diversion model for children under the raised age of criminal responsibility
The Commissioner is a strong advocate for raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14 years, as recommended by the UN. However, the Commissioner notes some concerns about the lack of detail in the alternative model proposed by the Attorney-General....
Submission on the Review of Sexual Consent Laws in South Australia
Sexual consent laws should reflect contemporary understandings of healthy sexuality and consent. And while the Commissioner is hopeful that legislative changes will drive progress towards meeting the outcomes of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and...
Submission on the potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia
The Commissioner fully supports the introduction of a Human Rights Act for South Australia. From the Commissioner's regular conversations with South Australian children and young people, it's evident that current legal protections are inadequate. While many...
Submission on Creating a More Child Focused Budget 2024/25
Submission to the South Australian Government on Creating a More Child Focused Budget 2024/25 published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People,...