Commissioner’s Opinion

Through her work as South Australia’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Helen Connolly is driving home the message that listening to children and young people should be our priority. Helen firmly believes that, where possible, we should work with children and young people to co-design solutions that take into account their opinions, ideas and lived experience. Below are opionion editorials written by Helen and published by mainstream media and shared on socials.

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CCYP's Opinion
Glocalism and the post COVID world

Glocalism and the post COVID world

Children and young people born since the year 2000 have lived through a period of significant social and technological transformation. This period of rapid change has disrupted the social status quo and challenged previously held understandings and constructs. 

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May 6, 2021
CCYP's Opinion
This school holidays, make a plan for mucking about

This school holidays, make a plan for mucking about

Playground equipment is no longer safe, organised sport is out, movies are closed and fast food outlets are reduced to drive throughs. There will be less tolerance of children being outdoor and in public places on their own. Plus parents are likely to feel increased concern and guilt about allowing their children too much screen time.

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Apr 13, 2020