I hope you enjoy Issue 5 of my quarterly e-news. Find out about my Youth Period Summit, Student Voice Postcards, and Things That Matter 4
Thursday 6 July
Issue 5
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to my second newsletter for 2023. I am very pleased to tell you that in May a dedicated Civics and Citizenship website was launched. It contains resources that include a comprehensive Civics Directory with links to more than 230 resources for students and teachers to explore. In May, I released my Safe & Sound report examining young people's experiences of South Australia's public transport system. In June, I released my Best Interests report, summarising what children and young people told me about their experiences within the child protection system.
I look forward to seeing young people who are passionate about period justice and equity at the youth led half day Period Summit coming up next Tuesday, and I encourage schools to look out for my 2023 Postcards Packs, which will start arriving at schools from the first week in Term 3. My Things That Matter 4 report is being released today. It summarises more than 16,000 postcards from students aged 8-12 years attending 336 Government, Catholic and Independent schools who participated in my student voice and agency initiative last year. It was also wonderful to see the SA SRC launch their Free Fares for our Future Campaign with more than 1500 signatures on the petition gathered so far.
Featured News
Ensuring young people understand the governing systems around them and how they can participate to bring about the changes they want to see is what effective civics and citizenship education is all about. That's why the Commissioner has collaborated with other like minded organisations to create a statewide one stop online resource portal to bring everything civics and citizenship together in one place. Read more
Breaking the Silence and Empowering Adolescent African Women
The African Women's Federation recently held three major activities designed to destigmatise periods and menstrual taboos; a Mother and Daughter High Tea, a Maternal Health Care Project Conference and a Period Workshop made possible through the Commissioner's Community Grant program.Read more
SA SRC: Free Fares for Our Future
Members of the South Australian Student Representative Council (SA SRC) have launched their Free Fares for Our Future Campaign, calling on the South Australian Government to remove public transport fares for all students.
The SA SRC is pushing for the change to reduce inequality and the likelihood of fines, and to ease pressure on young people who may already be experiencing financial stress. Read more
Community Outreach | Connections | Events
Youth Period Summit this Tuesday
South Australia’s inaugural Youth Period Summit is taking place this coming Tuesday 11 July at U City in Adelaide’s CBD. The half day program includes development of a period charter. It's all about destigmatising menstruation. If you're passionate about period justice and equity and would like to attend you can register here
Wanted: interns & articles 4 hub
hubadl.com is an online magazine that showcases the depth and diversity of young people in South Australia. It's a a platform for young people aged 15 - 22 to voice their opinions, share their creative work, and discover upcoming events and opportunities across the State. hub is always looking for interns and articles. Encourage young people you know to get involved via this link.
Commissioner's Runabout
Read this snapshot summary of what the Commissioner has been busy with over the last three months, connecting and engaging with SA children, young people, and adult stakeholders alike. Read more
Submissions | Briefs | Reports
Things That Matter 4 out today!
The fourth report in the series of postcard reports summarising what children 8 - 12 years have told their Commissioner matters to them most is out today. A total of 16,007 children in Years 2 - 6 completed a postcard in 2022. They were sent in from 336 Government, Catholic and Independent schools who supported their students to participate in this annual student voice and agency initiative, which is celebrating five years this year!The responses show that South Australian children are compassionate, engaged in the world around them, and keen to share their views with adults. Read the full report
Best Interests
Too often, children in the child protection system feel powerless, unsafe and let down by the actions adults take in their “best interests” which is why the Commissioner decided to ask this group of children what would make a difference to their experiences of child protection. The report calls on child protection systems to see children as experts in their own lives who must be central to decisions made about them. Anyone involved in the development of policies and services aimed at supporting vulenrable children should read this report so they can learn how children would like us to listen and act on their behalf when they find themselves involved with child protection services. Read the full report
Safe and Sound
Young people’s access to a full range of reliable, consistent and integrated transport options is not just a ‘nice to have’– it is an essential component of their full participation in society as active and engaged citizens. Transport consistently features in the top five issues raised by children and young people across both metropolitan Adelaide and regional South Australia.This report summarises the views and experiences of young people who use public transport and what they would recommend could be done to improve it. Read the full report
Building Period Positive Sports Clubs
It is essential that young people involved in sport are treated with dignity and respect, especially when it comes to matters of reproductive health and menstruation. This is essential to ensuring that young people who are menstruating feel supported so they can continue to participate in sport, both competitively and socially. To support clubs to build period positive sports clubs the Commissioner has produced a short guide with practical suggestions and ideas on how to reduce stigma, supply products and remove barriers to participation including provision of adequate facilities Read the guide
Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Australia's Human Rights Framework
A Human Rights Act is needed at both a state and federal level to contribute towards the better realisation of children’s rights in Australia. A new National Human Rights Framework should be grounded in children’s rights, strengthen human rights protections for future generations and ensure comprehensive human rights education for people of all ages and backgrounds. Read the submission
Submission on proposed changes to tobacco and e-cigarette legislation in South Australia
Vaping has been a hot topic among adults and the broader community given the rates of children and young people who have been known to try and become addicted to vaping. Tobacco companies are targeting children with products designed to appeal to them with regulation slow to act. The Commissioner's view is that a public health response that recognises children’s rights as well as their need for special protections and child tailored information is required. Read the submission
Submission to South Australia's Royal Commission into Early Childhood and Care (OSHC)
Children’s rights and experiences should be central in the design and delivery of out-of-school-hours care (OSHC). The Commissioner’s submission is based on 83 postcards received from children in OSHC settings across Adelaide. They told her what they like and dislike about OSHC, as well as what they suggest could improve their OSHC experience. Read the full submission
2023 Student Voice Postcards coming to a school near you!
Celebrating 5 years of the Commissioner's Student Voice Postcards Initiative! Hear some of the responses from South Australian children in this short video.
Grants | Projects | Initiatives | Surveys
yChange goes Open Access
To help individuals and organisations better support engagement with young people the Commissioner has developed an Engagement Toolbox with a suite of ‘How-to’ field guides for use by governments, community organisations and schools wishing to engage young people more effectively. Read more
Youth Engagement Toolbox - FREE
To help individuals and organisations better support engagement with young people the Commissioner has developed an Engagement Toolbox with a suite of ‘How-to’ field guides for use by governments, community organisations and schools wishing to engage young people more effectively. Read more
What's On
The Commissioner is interested to find out more about gambling from children and young people's perspectives. A new survey aimed at young people will be circulated soon.
Each year the Commissioner runs her digital challenge inviting educators to support students to develop digital skills across computer language, design and system thinking. Find out how you can register your school or class today. Read more