More time with their parents, more time to play, and more trust – just 3 of the things 18,328 ‘Tweens’ told their Commissioner matters to them most

The Things That Matter 5 report is out today! It’s the fifth in a series of reports released by South Australia’s Commissioner for Children and Young People, Helen Connolly, summarising what children have told her about their lives via her annual Student Voice Postcards initiative.

Each year “Tell Helen” postcards are sent to every school in South Australia inviting children aged 8 to 12 years to tell their Commissioner what matters to them. With the support of school educators, the postcards come back full of responses as drawings and hand written messages.  The number of children participating increases every year, with students responding in 2023 representing (56%) or 347 of the 643 primary schools with students in years 2 – 6 across the State.

The key take aways from children’s responses are that kids love playing and having fun together outdoors. They want more playgrounds and opportunities for physical activity and sport both in their local community and at school and they want more time with their parents. They also want to be listened to and taken seriously by grownups and they want all people to value kindness more. They need school to be more engaging and relevant to their lives, and they appreciate not having adult responsibilities so they can just be kids.

Read the full Media Release here. 
Read the full report here.