CCYP’s Advocacy Agenda 2022+

Commissioner Helen Connolly completed her first term as South Australia’s inaugural Commissioner for Children and Young People in 2022. Reappointed  for a further three years the Commissioner developed her new Advocacy Agenda 2022+ applying the Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People developed by South Australia’s Child Development Council. This Framework has been established to progress the vision of South Australia as a state where the conditions exist for all children and young people to thrive.

Download the Commissioner’s Advocacy Agenda 2022+ here.


Young South Australians
are physically,
mentally, and
emotionally healthy

Child Focused Health:

  • Embedding menstrual health in schools, clubs, and workplaces
  • Ensuring access to a continuum of peer supports and clinical mental health services
  • Improving sexual health and safety in schools and community


Young South Australians
are safe and

Child Focused Safety:

  • Increasing focus on children and young people in areas of crime reduction and prevention   
  • Spotlight on the climate safety needs of children and young people


Young South Australians
are happy, inspired
and engaged

Child Focused Wellbeing:

  •  Addressing impacts of poverty on child rights
  •  Increasing community wellbeing infrastructure
  •  Facilitating more opportunities for play and physical activity


Young South Australians
are successful learners

Child Focused Education:

  • Advocating for more inclusive education policies and practice
  • Supporting schools as healthy settings for learning and living  
  • Promoting equal access to work pathways and career transition supports


Young South Australians
participate actively
in society

Child Focused Citizenship:

  • Creating more child safe environments
  • Facilitating digital empowerment
  • Championing youth friendly workplaces
  • Fostering opportunities for youth led community action