Seen But Not Heard

Seen But Not Heard

Keeping young people engaged with their education is a priority. It requires investment by governments, communities and families to resource and support young people’s ongoing participation in school, and to ensure school is rewarding and inspiring for all children...
Teenagers and Work

Teenagers and Work

Young people’s experiences of work impact their lives in many ways – not only in terms of their present and future workforce participation, but also in relation to their health, safety, wellbeing and education outcomes. For teenagers, having a paid job during high...
Child Rights Progress Reports 2023

Child Rights Progress Reports 2023

The Commissioner’s Child Rights Progress Reports assess South Australia’s progress on recommendations made by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child across seven key areas of concern: child health, child justice, child protection,...
Child Rights Progress Reports 2023 – Environment

Child Rights Progress Reports 2023 – Environment

As a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), Australia is obligated to achieve minimum standards across justice, education, healthcare and social services. Each year, the Commissioner releases a suite of reports assessing the...
Keeping Our Promises 2023

Keeping Our Promises 2023

 In the language of children and young people, the commitments that governments make to them through laws, policies, strategies and plans are treated as promises. They are promises made to ensure resources of government are channelled into meaningful improvement to...